2014年7月17日 星期四

巴夏Bashar 做個【完整】的人

Being a Whole Person

Physical mind and expanded mind function as a whole person. Before incarnating each of you made ​​a choice to experience  physical reality on the template level, where you lay out a template, a blueprint, an automatic function, to allow you to  function in physical reality . Once the template is established, consciousness passes through it consolidating down.  Because of this you take on consensus reality. It is like putting on the equipment to go deep sea diving.


The vibrational link between the spiritual and the physical develops during the first few years up to the age of 7.  Individuals who die very young may decide to leave very easily crib death, abortion, miscarriage .They only want a small  taste of physical reality. Nothing goes to waste. It serves the spiritual purpose. As the embryonic structure crystallizes the  personality structure begins to form   Prismatic template. Beliefs, thought structure   Personality can be malleable but it is  designed according to the chosen theme.


The child will absorb telepathic input from its parents and society. The child may absorb belief systems in order to later  make a choice. Comparison of self to belief systems to decide what is desired. Something to compare self against. Parents  serve the purpose by having chosen beliefs that may show you who you are not.


From consciousness level we create a duality: Template for physical mind and template for expanded mind. The two make  you a whole person. Higher or expanded mind acts as a liaison between physical mind and higher levels. Expanded mind  stays on the template level but helps physical mind who goes deep sea diving. It stays so to speak on the boat and guides  the person that is diving. Trust in your expanded mind because it can see further!


Diving deeply into physical causes creative desire, desire for love, and also disconnection.

The template has a seed however that urges you to reconnect with the higher mind. When a person feels incomplete they  are looking for their connection with the expanded mind. Looking for the connection manifests in many ways: Need for  another person, food, many other things. Sometimes these other things are mis-interpreted as the reconnection.


The ego structure keeps you focused in physical reality. The ego reinforces belief systems that are part of the template.  The ego's job is to add energy to the belief. It amplifies beliefs and keeps you focused. When there is disconnection the  ego structure can forget that it is not in charge. 
Fear results from the ego thinking that it is in charge. It starts to do things that it was not designed to do. It becomes  extremely crystallized. The amount of energy the ego puts into fear-based beliefs is almost overwhelming. The ego takes  on the burden of survival.
Now is the timing that enough of you are seeking the light to give momentum and to understand that the ego can be  taught that it will not be annihilated if you communicate with your expanded mind.




The physical personality is not designed to know how something happens.  It can not read the template that the expanded mind sees. Allow your expanded mind to bring it to you in the way that is  best for the whole person. Physical mind sees how it is happening. If you are using the physical mind to decide how  something happens you are going through life half-witted.


Imagination is the link to and from the expanded mind.


If ego thinks it is in charge it will shut the door to the imagination. Many have said, visualize, create a mock-up. This is a  good thing to do. It is only a representation. When the ego structure makes a vision it tends to think that vision is the  highest possible manifestation. Expanded mind can go much further. What is the ceiling for the physical mind is the floor  to the higher mind. Vision is the template. Expanded mind will take the template   it understands template language it will  reach out to all of the things that it sees as available. When the physical mind does not act on the synchronistic  opportunities coming from the higher mind, the expanded mind may become invisible. Don't insist a thing must manifest  the way you think because your expanded mind may bring something much better.


How do we know the difference?   Excitement. Passion.

Pay attention to the true feelings. This requires a modicum of willingness to tell the ego to   shut the hell up . Stop and  wonder whether or not you are being shown something from the ego or expanded self. You will be able to tell the  difference between anxiety (ego) and excitement (expanded self). Find your space of peace so you can use that natural  balance to tell you the flavor of the emotion. You will know whether it is representative of fear or excitement. You need  quietude. You need to be able to not know and make that ok. When you do not know you find the stillness that will give   you the capability of knowing whether it is from the higher mind or physical mind.

重視和注意那真正的感受和情感。這需要一點心甘情願,一點積極的自律,去告訴小我ego,在內心裡閉上那嘮嘮叨叨的嘴。停下來,審視你在內心正在被呈現的東西,是來自小我ego,還是來自擴展自我。你會有能力去分辨“焦慮不安”(小我)和“興奮喜悅” (擴展自我)之間的不同。找出你內心的平和安定空間,因此你能夠使用這個內在本質的平衡能力,來告訴你情緒情感的特點和味道。你會明白這些情感的味道,它是代表著恐懼不安,還是代表著興奮喜悅。你必須平靜。你必須有能力進入那個“未知” 狀態,並讓你在那個“空靜,未知”的狀態感受良好。當你能夠進入“未知”狀態,你會找到沉靜和鎮定自若的感受,那會給你帶來通透的瞭解和認知能力,清楚明白的知道,它是來自於更高層面的心智,還是來自於物質生理心智。

The natural senses you were created with,   will fill the quiet. In the quiet you will hear the little whispered voices. It may  take some time to gain discernment. Pacify your ego. Form a more loving relationship with your expanded mind by  forming a more loving relationship with your ego. Balance in this relationship allows you to function as a whole person.

以完全的寧靜,你會引發你本質的覺知能力。在那寧靜裡,你會聽到一點低聲細語。在某些時候這會讓你增強你的敏銳洞察力。撫慰你的小我ego,讓它平靜放鬆。通過營造一個與你的小我ego,更加親密慈愛和包容的關係來形成一個與你的擴展心智的喜愛和密切的關係。在這兩者的關係---平等,平衡,協調裡---賦予 ​​你去作為一個【完整的人】所具有的功能和能力。

(佛教有八識說,九識說。結合巴夏傳遞的意識9個層次以及此篇的資訊,第七識末那識,疑似這裡說的EGO自我。而佛家說,轉第七末那識,為“平等”智,此文中使用的是英文“ Balance”含義很相似。從這裡,也能看出,在內心裡有多少個自我,因為每個部分都有一個自我保護意識,頭腦思想是一個,EGO一個,擴展心智一個,每天我們內心都淹沒在頭腦思想和EGO小我的嘰嘰咕咕裡。是時候安靜下來了。將它們融合為一體,做一個完整的人。   - --譯者註)

Bashar   June 29, 2009 in Mental-Tools
巴夏   2009629思維工具箱
版權所有:Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka   巴夏經由達裏爾安卡傳送


